The google link of registration as in the second Waiting List

即將於14/4/2018舉行的校友晚宴得到熱切的支持,在三個工作天內,多於600個校友提交登記並成功付款留座。 校友晚宴第二輪的輪候名單已經開始接受報名並會於2018年3月14號23:59截止。 直至今天(1/3/18),晚宴只剩餘大概50個座位,報名以先到先得的形式進行。 如有興趣,請通過以下的連結按照指定步驟報名: The coming Alumni Dinner on 14/4/2018 has received enthusiastic responses. In about 3 working days, more than 600 alumni registered and have now paid for their seats. The second round of the Waiting List of the

40th Anniversary Alumni Dinner Payment Process

40th Anniversary Alumni Dinner Payment Process: 1. 填妥報名表,報名電話將用作參考號碼。 Register in Google Form. The phone number used for application will be used as a reference number. 2. 請將款項匯入以下戶口:012-885-0-019037-8(中國銀行戶口,收款人為校友會正副主席Fan Shiu Pong, Wong Yue Hon & Wan Pui Hin) Please transfer the application