Organized by the SKHTST Career and Life Planning (CLP) Committee in collaboration with the Alumni Association (AA) Ltd, the Career Day 2024 was held on February 3, 2024. Our deepest gratitude and appreciation for 64 alumni speakers sharing careers insights
CUHK Outstanding Students Awards 2023
Congratulations to the following alumni who have been conferred the Outstanding Students Awards 2023 by the Chinese University of Hong Kong. This prestigious recognition celebrates their exceptional achievements that extend beyond academic excellence. They are being honoured for their selfless
Alumni at the Annual Staff Lunch
On July 12, 2023, former Principal Mr Anthony TONG, former Vice Principal Mrs Anne TAM and alumni, Mr Curtis MAK (Alumni Manager), Ms KO Suk Wa and Mr Nelson NG, were invited to join the buffet lunch with current staff members.
Alumni Interviews in PTA Newsletter
The latest PTA Newsletter published in July features alumnus Mr CHOW Wing Kei, Chris sharing his mission in World Vision. (Page 21) Another alumnus Mr FONG Siu Leung joined our TST teaching team this year. The Newsletter also chronicles his
Alumni attending the F6 Graduation Dinner
On June 14, 2023, 10 alumni attended the F6 Graduation Dinner. Among them were the Alumni Association (AA) Mr Damon FAN (Chairman), Mr Matthew CHAN (Vice Chairman), Mr Curtis MAK (Alumni Manager), Mr German CHEUNG (Election Manager of Alumni Manager),
Career Day 2023
The Career Day 22-23 organized by the SKHTST Career and Life Planning (CLP) Committee in collaboration with the Alumni Association (AA) Ltd, was held on February 18, 2023. Our deepest gratitude and appreciation for 80 alumni speakers sharing careers insights
Career Day 2023 (Date: 18 February 2023)
All alumni are cordially invited to share your knowledge, experiences and expertise in different fields with our current students. Do arrive at the school hall earlier like 1:30 pm for photo taking. There will also be a stall running from
2021 Alumni Manager Election
聖公會曾肇添中學法團校董會 第四屆校友校董選舉結果 聖公會曾肇添中學第四屆校友校董選舉已於2021年7月16日截止報名參選。本會於王校長及何慧賢老師共同見證下,確認收到一份參選表格。經本會核實後,確認該表格合乎參選資格。跟據校友校董會選舉修例,本會現宣佈,麥頌匡先生(93-6B)自動當選為第四屆校友校董。 聖公會曾肇添中學校友校董會選舉主任 伍躍翔啓 二零二一年八月十二日
Election of Alumni Manager 2021
聖公會曾肇添中學法團校董 第四屆校友校董選舉通告 聖公會曾肇添中學校董會已於2015年8月註冊成為法團校董會。依據法例,本校校友須選舉一名代表進入法團校董會,成為法團校董,任期兩年。凡校友均有選舉權及被選舉權。本校友會已正式獲法團校董會委任為是次選舉之舉辦機構。有關選舉詳情請參閱學校校友會網頁所附的《校友校董選舉指引》。 有意參選者請填妥提名表格,提名期為17/6/2021至16/7/2021,提名表格最遲於16/7/2021 18:00或之前寄回或交回聖公會曾肇添中學校務處。詳情請參閲校友會網頁。如有疑問,請聯絡何慧賢老師(學校電話:26975566)或伍躍翔校友(93849488)。 學校地址:沙田禾輋邨德厚街六號 聖公會曾肇添中學校友會有限公司啓 二零二一年五月十七日 校友校董選舉通告于星島日報2021年5月17曰刊登。 校友校董選舉章則 參選登記表 選舉時間表 選民,提名人及參選者登記表
Letter to the Future
2 March 2021 marked the last school day of the Class of 2021. In the morning, five alumni Mr Herman WAN (AA Chairman), Ms Amy LAM (AA Internal Secretary), Ms Monnie WONG (AA Executive Committee Member), Mr Cyrus LO (2016